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Home: Documents: Diaries: Mission To America: 178-181

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The following is a copy of a letter addressed to the Right Honorable Henry Dundas (one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State) and intended to be sent to England by the first opportunity-


 I have the honour of informing you of my safe arrival at this place, with the Black people under my command-We sailed from Halifax on the l6th day of January, in all fifteen vessels, having on board 1190 persons of Colour, coming hither as Settlers, of whom 65 died at sea, chiefly old and variously diseased at the time of their embarkation-For the first three weeks of the voyage, we experienced heavy gales of wind, during which seven of the Transports parted company with me, and arrived first at Sierra Leone-Having suffered myself, at sea from a severe fit of illness, the effects of which I still feel in a great loss of memory and much weakness I am prevented entering into those details which I should otherwise have done-I am happy to say that none of the vessels which arrived with me incurred any demurrage, those that came in before me were unavoidably subjected to a short delay in consequence of the unprepared state of the Colony to receive their passengers on shore-the whole amount of demurrage incurred by such delay is as follows

Finding on my arrival here, that the people had conducted themselves remarkably well upon the Passage, and their whole behaviour from the time I first knew them having convinced me of their great attachment to His Majesty and the British Government, I took upon me to give them by way of reward



for their good conduct, and of encouragement to their future exertions, the surplus of provisions which remained in the different ships, after the termination of their voyage, and I flatter myself that my conduct herein will fully meet your approbation-

 I have given the several Captains Certificates of the due performance of their respective contracts, the form of which I send you a copy (see Page ) which will entitle their Principals to receive the money due to them from the Treasury

I have the honour to be
with the greatest respect Sir
Your most obedient Servant
John Clarkson

P.S. I should have sent you the form of the Several Charter Parties, but knowing that they would he transmitted to you from Halifax I thought it unnecessary

Having discharged all the vessels, and obtained receipts for the various provisions Stores & c, landed in the Colony from on board the ships, agreeable to my instructions from the Government of Halifax, I consider myself as having performed all I agreed to do for the Sierra Leone Company and shall therefore give a general account of the expenses incurred by me on their account, for the completion of my mission up to the present day-The bill which I have made out for my expenses from the 6th 1791 to the present time, which includes the payment of my passage from London to Halifax; the rent of house, and maintenance of Mr. Taylor and myself, and wages of servants there, the traveling expenses of Mr. Taylor and myself to Shelburne and other places; the payment of stationary, copying and printing advertisements; the purchase of nautical Instruments for the voyage, with that of money advanced to Thos Peters for his support at New Brunswick and to make him and his family comfortable on their voyage, and for Sea Stores for Mr. Taylor and myself for the voyage from Halifax to Sierra Leone & c, amounts only to £287-

 March 18th - This morning at daylight struck my Pendant having discharged all the Nova Scotian vessels- Attended Divine Service on Shore-I feel happy at being able to dismiss the Transports which arrived with me, without putting Government to the expence of demurrage for I have uniformly been as strenuous to keep down expence, and to prevent unnecessary charges on their account, as I have been economical in the expenditure of the Sierra Leone Com-



pany's money. I wish I could say that I feel equally satisfied at the thoughts of my new appointment-but what can I do? I am not bound in honour to the Sierra Leone Company, or to the Nova Scotians, to remain in Sierra Leone beyond a limited time, because I did not engage with the former to do anything more, than to collect the people in America & deliver them over to the Government of Sierra Leone, and as to the latter I particularly mentioned to each individual, when he applied to me to become a Settler, that I should not stay with them in Africa, and that it was my intention to return to England, as soon as circumstances would admit, after having landed them safe at Sierra Leone, and when I look to the shattered state of my health, and contemplate the scenes before me (with the heartfelt satisfaction that I have fulfilled all I had stipulated to do, and that with some little credit to myself) and am now without the power of controlling what I see to be wrong, I ought not to hesitate in doing justice to myself and connexions, by returning to a Northern climate without loss of time, as the only probable means of restoring me to health; as nothing but extravagance, idleness, quarreling, waste, irregularity in accounts, insubordination, and everything that is contrary to what is good and right, is practised by those who are sent out to Govern, as well as instruct by example these poor people, in forming a society upon good & virtuous principles, and completely at variance with the advice I had given to the Directors in my letters from Nova Scotia, on the absolute necessity of beginning well at first-On the other hand the pressing letters I have received from the Chairman and Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company, as well as private ones from Individuals, in the direction, entreating as the unanimous wish of the Directors that I should not return to England but accept the Government, if it were only for a few months, to give them time to look out for a suitable person to succeed me, as I have said before (for I had positively declared before I left England, that nothing should induce me to extend my services beyond what I had offered) with such flattering expressions of their approbation of my conduct, and the high sense they entertained of the services I had rendered the Company and the cause in general, added to the affection & regard I felt for the Nova Scotians for their obedience and regular behaviour during the voyage, and my ardent zeal for the civilization of the surrounding nations, and Africa in general, and knowing that there could not be any people in existence, in every point of view, better calculated for forming a new Settlement, than those I brought with me from America, if properly managed, and being convinced, from what little I have already seen of the Natives of Sierra Leone,


that an honest, open, conciliating, yet firm conduct towards them would in time, encourage them, to place a confidence in the purity of our intentions & c. Feeling additionally impressed with the conviction that if I left the Colony, inevitable ruin must be the consequence, I was compelled to sink all private considerations, and agree to remaining here; and though I may be disgraced by blending my services with those of others, over whom I have no proper control, I have made up my mind to take the consequences, and accept the Government under its present objectionable form, and to remain with the poor Nova Scotians till the Colony is established or lost-

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