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New York, 19th April, 1783.

Upon your arrival you will in conjunction with the commanding officer of the troops, the superior officer of the navy and such persons as you may find authorized by the Governor of the Province, carefully examine the harbour with a view to find a proper place to land the troops, provisions, ordnance and all the King's stores, and to establish a military post which may afford a protection to shipping and be capable of defense towards the sea as well as by land, having in contemplation a town, wharfs, barracks and other Publick buildings necessary to a great and permanent establishment, for all of which purposes ample reservations of lands should be made, and the Refugee Settlers shewn the spot intended for the town, upon which only they should be allowed to build, agreeably to a plan laid out for them.

When the several situations shall have been made choice of for these purposes, the troops should be encamped or enhutted upon the spot most advisable for the situation of barracks, and upon such a plan as may be hereafter extended and improved.

Covering the provisions and the perishable part of ordnance stores should be done as soon as possible, in the best manner the means and materials which can be provided will admit of. The heavy cannon should be planted so as to give immediate protection to the vessels, and the field pieces should go with the troops. The neighbouring and surrounding country should be carefully explored and cleared for the materials which may be first wanted.

To enable you to carry on this service are sent Ensign Lambton of the 33d Regiment as your assistant engineer, one foreman and eleven carpenters, one mason and one smith, with an assortment of artificer's tools and entrenching tools, a return of which you will be furnished with. There are also sent a sergeant, corporal and sixteen of the Black Pioneers, who, as well as the artificers, are put under your command to be employed as you may see proper, but in His Majesty's service only.

You are likewise furnished with a whale boat, gun boat, and a sailing boat, with tackle, rigging, oars, &c., complete, for the use of the post, which together with the articles specified in the returns given to you, you are hereby made answerable for. The foreman is to keep a regular check in a book of all the artificers, which at the end of every week is to be signed by the Assistant Engineer and examined by you, and from this weekly check an account is to be made out at the end of every month, agreeably to a form given to you, certified by the Assistant Engineer and yourself, and then transmitted to the Commanding Engineer at Halifax to provide payment, should no person be appointed for that purpose at your post.

In case of lumber or any other materials which may be wanted to carry on the works being offered for sale, you will apply by letter to the Commissary upon the spot to purchase them, giving him all information and assistance in putting a fair and just value upon the same; and you are not to incur any expense, but for the purpose before mentioned of covering the provisions and ordnance stores, without further orders from the Commander in Chief, the General Officer commanding in the District, or the Chief Engineer.

You will report to me from time to time your progress, and acquaint me with every circumstance which may require further instructions.

ROBERT MORSE, Chief Engineer.

Approved by the Commander in Chief.

OLIVER DELANCEY, Adj't. General.

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