An Extracts of the Fines Acts to Our Lord and King at the general
session of the race of Our Lord, the King hold on at the Court House in
Shelburne County aforesaid on Tuesday, the thirtieth day of March in the
year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George, the third now King of
Great Britain and before Nicholas Ogden, Gregory Springdale and Device
Thompson Esquire Justices of our said Lord the King assigned to help the
peace in the same county; William Shipman Clarke of the peace fore the
county aforesaid there attending.
Of Stephen Blucke of Birchtown in the county aforesaid __ for a __
and vault at the same county where he is indicted and convicted and
his fine is set at one shilling which he paid to the Sheriff in Court.
Of John Harris of Shelburne in the county aforesaid Butcher, for a
__ and vault where of he is indicted and convicted and his fine is set
at five pounds, which he paid to the Sheriff in court
Story: Revolution
Dunmore's Proclamation
Philipsburg Proclamation
Virginia Congress's Response