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Home: Documents: Official: Postell Case

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        Mary Postell of Shelburne a Negro woman, maketh oath upon the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that she was born in South Carolina and was the property of a certain Elijah Postell, that after the death of the said Elijah she became the property of William the son of the said Elijah who was a Captain in the American Army then in rebellion of Great Britain that she joined the troops near Charlestown and when the place was evacuated went to Saint Augustine and came from thence to Shelburne with a catalog then Gray who promised to use her well while at that would live with him that sometime after her arrival how the sent Gray(who was raised in Argyle) her two children and did actually nephew of her to a certain William Mangham and also sold and into of her girl(aged about ten years) to but John who came here to South Carolina as she is informed, and thereafter to sell her youngest child. And this department lastly urged, That said Gray has no right whatever to her or her children and that she is afraid that Gray or William Mangham will seize her and her child and carry them away.