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Monday, April 21st. This day Charles Morris, Esq., engaged me to go to Port Roseway to assist in laying out a new Township there. The same day Governor Parr approved of the plan of the town to be laid out at Port Roseway. The streets were to be fifty feet wide and laid out at right angles. Port Roseway Sunday, May 4, [1783]. Ashore in the morning. About 4 o'clock p.m. some of the fleet from New York hove in sight. Weather fair, wind north westerly, fresh. Monday, 5. Last night the fleet got in below, upwards of thirty sail in all, in which there are three thousand souls (as an agent tells me). They all came up into the North East Harbour. Set up our Marquee on shore. At night we came up to our old anchoring place at the cove, having been down to the Fleet. Wind westerly, moderate, weather fair. Tuesday, 6. Aboard all day. Mr. Pynchon and Morris absent all day advising about fixing the place for the town. Weather fair, wind easterly and southerly. Wednesday, 7. After exploring both sides of the bay, the N.E. harbour is judged to be the most convenient situation for a town, and 'tis accordingly determined to fix it there. Weather fair, wind south easterly. Thursday, 8. The multitude object to the place which the Captains and Chief men have chosen for the situation of their town because, say they, 'tis a rough uneven piece of land -- so they propose to mend the matter by choosing three men from every company to do the matter over again. That is to commit to a mere mob of sixty what a few judicious men found very difficult to transact with a lesser mob of twenty, so this day has been spent in much controversial nonsense. This cursed republican, town-meeting spirit has been the ruin of us already, and unless checked by some stricter form of government will overset the prospect which now presents itself of retrieving our affairs. Mankind are often slaves, and oftentimes they have too much liberty. Today surveyed the shore on the Eastern side of the N.E. harbour, where it was determined to fix the town. Fair weather, wind easterly. Friday, 9. According to the determination of Thursday, laid out the centre street of the new town, and the people began very cheerfully to cut down the trees -- a new employment to many of them. Weather fair, wind easterly. Saturday, 10. Ran the water street line and of four blocks, two on each side of the centre street. People at work as yesterday. Weather foggy and at times drizzly, wind south easterly. Sunday, 11. Begins with plenty of rain, wind south westerly. Last night lodged in our tent for the first time,6 dined aboard the yacht. Weather foggy with frequent showers at night. Monday, 12. Ashore at about five in the morning. Spent the day in running the lines of the streets. The yacht sailed for Halifax this morning. A Mr. Mason died today after an illness of three days only. Weather fair, wind south westerly. Tuesday, 13. Running the lines for streets the best part of the day. This evening came in one of our fishing sloops with 800 cod fish, which 5 men caught -- they were out only 24 hours. Weather fair and fine, wind westerly. Wednesday, 14. Ran one line today. People turning very indolent, some parties not at work till 11 o'clock. Many of the people who came in this fleet are of the lower class of great towns. During the war such employment's as would not cost them much labour afforded them a plentiful support. This has made them impatient of labour. They begin to be clamorous, and to have a thousand groundless rumors circulating among them to the prejudice of those to whom they ought to submit. Dined today with Lieutenant Lawson the Engineer. There were with us the Commissary (a Mr. Brinley) and a Mr. Miller, the Secretary of the Association. Weather fair, wind southwesterly. Thursday, 15. At home most part of the day. Weather cloudy and misty till near sun down; it then cleared up very fine. Wind northeasterly and fresh till sunset, then fell calm. Friday, 16. This day began to mark out some blocks into house lots. People inclining to be mutinous. They suspect their leaders to have private views, and not without some reason; in fact the Captains -- at least most of them -- are a set of fellows whom mere accident has placed in their present situations; much less worthy of it than many they command. Real authority can never be supported without some degree of real superiority. Weather fair, wind westerly. Saturday, 17. Arrived a vessel from New York, also one from Halifax, in which came Mr. Stephen Binney, a deputy collector and impost officer. There has been a meeting of the people today; they have voted to seize all the boards, which some private saw pits have sawed and convert them to the public use. The people readily submit to Mr. Binney's authority, both as custom house and impost and excise officer. Weather rainy, wind easterly. Sunday, 18. Mr. Morris gone to Green's Harbour across the country. Mr. Binney has put up his bed in our tent. Very much distressed all the morning to find a barber to shave him. At last he found one. The fellow was clumsy and cut him pretty much; he was all the rest of the day at times examining the wounds. He won't live long with us -- our fare is too hard, our apparatus too indelicate and coarse. Wind southerly, fair and pleasant. Very foggy below, but does not reach the head of the harbour. Monday, 19. On shore marking off house lots and rectifying the Engineer's mistakes -- misty and rainy all day, wind southerly and south westerly. Tuesday, 20. In tent today, not well. Mr. Binney was sent here to pick a little money out of the people's pockets under pretense of entering their vessels, but they have got to windward of him. Their vessels are all transports. 'Tis a low pitiful affair in the Collector [at Halifax] to send a deputy for no other purpose but to collect fees and return to Halifax again, for it seems the deputy was not to have remained here. Another body meeting today. I don't learn the purpose of it. This settlement must get into other kind of hands before it will flourish. Weather fair, wind west, fresh. Wednesday, 21. All day ashore marking out house lots. Several people from Cape Perceu, originally from Marblehead, are an invaluable acquisition to this place. They are wanting to be admitted as settlers, and yet their value don't seem to be recognized. The Association from New York are a curious set, they take upon them to determine who are the proper subjects of the King's grant. They have chosen a committee of 16 who point out who are to be admitted to draw for lots. They say only 441. Weather fair and fine, wind north westerly. Saturday, 24. Thursday last the people drew for their town lots. By indulging their cursed republican principles they committed an irregularity which cost them another day's work. Yesterday I was ashore all day apportioning people to their lots -- 'tis a task trying to humanity, for while those engaged in settling them are justly exasperated at the insolence and impertinence of one sort of people, they can't help they must feel for the distress of the sensible feeling part, who have come from easy situations to encounter all the hardships of a new plantation and who wish to submit cheerfully to the dispensations of Providence. Ashore again all today appointing people to their lots. Some grumble, some are pleased. They are upon the whole a collection of characters very unfit for the business they have undertaken. Barbers, Taylors, Shoemakers and all kinds of mechanics, bred and used to live in great towns, they are inured to habits very unfit for undertakings which require hardiness, resolution, industry and patience. Nothing so easy as to bear hardships in a good house by a good fireside, with good clothes, provisions, &c., &c. Seneca, with some thousands per annum, wrote very learnedly in praise of poverty. Master Stephen Binney thinks with a good house he could be very well content to stay here a little while and endure hardships. Sunday, 25. Locating people the forepart of the day; afternoon at home. Weather very fine and pleasant. Monday, 26. All the morning locating as usual. About noon there broke out a most furious fire among the dry stuff in the streets suspected by some to have been kindled on purpose. This is not improbable, tho' the ignorance, stupidity and carelessness of the bulk of the collection here is sufficient to produce any such disastrous event. It has ended with fewer serious consequences than might have been expected. One or two families have lost their all. Some others have met with considerable losses. There is now such a damned noise with singing in our tent 'tis impossible to recollect any other circumstance. Weather very fine, wind westerly. Near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Tuesday, 27. Ashore fixing people on their lands. Yesterday's fire out. People began to be sensible that they have acted very foolishly in more things than setting woods on fire in a high dry windy day. Things will come right by and by. Thursday, 29. Yesterday at Town all day fixing people upon their lots. Many are pleased. The idea of owning land is some how or other exceedingly agreeable to the human mind. Some whose lots have fallen to them in not so pleasant places are much out of temper, and some designing ones, who have missed the advantageous situations, are likewise dissatisfied. Came home late in the afternoon smutty and fatigued. Friday, 30. Employed again today laying out lots for new comers. The same occurrences daily present themselves in this business. Weather continues very fine, a very favourable circumstance to people who are as yet but slightly sheltered from its inconveniences. Sunday, June 1. For two days past, I have been engaged from early to late fixing people on their lots. Have seen several Marblehead men in here. Poor fellows, neither they nor their vessels look as they used to. Monday, 2. At home all day writing. The Boat for Halifax sailed this morning. Fog came in about an hour before sunset. Wind all day westerly. Tuesday, 3. Today ashore in town; fixed the corners of a few blocks. Poor Master Stephen [Binney] had some unlucky tricks played on him, rather too illiberal, as he is our guest. Wednesday, 4. No business today -- 'tis the King's Birthday; but any dissipation, any neglect of business ought not to be in ye least countenanced at present in this place. Ships sailed for New York this morning. Towards evening some fine showers which have come very opportunely to prevent the ill effects of a nonsensical feu de joie, which was performed just at dark, and would have fired the streets in an hundred places but for the rain. A Ball tonight -- all our Tent over to it but myself, and I am very happy to be absent. Sunday, 8. Since the King's Birthday very little done. It took all the next day to get rid of the previous day's and night's excess. These poor people are like sheep without a shepherd. They have no men of abilities among them. Their Captains, chosen out of their body at New York, are of the same class with themselves -- most of them mechanics, some few have been shipmasters, they are the best men they have. Sir Guy Carleton did not reflect that putting 16 illiterate men into commission, without subjecting them to one common head, was at best but contracting the mob. But perhaps he could do no better. He might not find among them a fit person to whom to entrust the supreme command. Upon the whole, considering who and what they are and the confused way they are huddled together, it is much in their favour that we have had no great enormities committed among us. Friday night and last night great rain fell. Monday, 9. Today lay'd out a half block for a few elect ones. Company to dine with us. Too much dissipation. Sir Guy's commissions have made many men here gentlemen, and of course their wives and daughters ladies, whom neither nature nor education intended for that rank. Poor B. . . . overset again -- 'tis too poor mischief against one who really pretends to no great things, it indicates a disposition by no means commendable. But so we are here. Propriety of conduct and decency and manners seem to be no part of our higher education. One trick of the kind might have passed. The nequid nimis was not attended to in this matter. Thursday, 19. Yesterday and today engaged in surveying the shore and laying out 50 acre lots for private parties. 'Tis a hard service, and though I make good wages 'tis all earned. The heat in the woods and the black flies are almost insupportable. Captain Mowatt and Captain Afleck arrived here with King's ships since my last notation. Several vessels arrived here today, two of them from Penobscot. Our people much at variance with one another, a bad disposition in a new settlement. Two of the Captains appointed to fight a duel this morning, but were prevented by friends who thought better of the matter. Thursday, 26. Yesterday General Patterson was here and of course not much business was done. Company to dine at our marquee. Tuesday last was St. John's day, a Free Mason festival, which was celebrated here by such members of that worshipful fraternity as are here. The D--1 is among these people. Last night there were two boxing matches, in one of which a Captain was concerned. These things ought not to be here as yet. They are a miserable lot. They have no men of education among them, none to whom to look up for advice and direction. One of their agents who was in Halifax last winter, used to plume himself that they were going to effect a settlement without the assistance of the clergy, intending to have none of that order among them for the present. It would be better for them if they had one or two sensible discreet ministers, and that they would believe in them. Sunday, 29. The two past days I have been laying out town lots for new comers. Mr. Pynchon arrived from Halifax -- there they are murmuring because they have such a plenty of goods and merchandise they can find no sale for them -- here we murmur because we must work hard and fare hard before we arrive at that degree of opulence. This week past the weather has been very hot and dry, the heat as great as is commonly felt in New England at ye season. Wednesday, July 2. Today at town fixing the lines of some streets and measuring off some house lots in letter F. St. John's division. A vessel arrived from New York by which we learn six months more provisions are promised the settlers here. The people here are suffering for want of a civil establishment, which, to the shame of government, is most scandalously neglected. Thursday, 3. Assisting Mr. Morris to survey the shore in front of the town, in order to lay out water lots. Friday, 4. Morris in town; he went over designing to survey the Northern half of the shore, but I suppose the rain has prevented him from doing it; now, towards evening, fair and pleasant. Thursday, 10. Last Saturday assisted to survey the Northern half of the town. Sunday mailed plan of my survey of 50 acre lots. Monday ran the line on the lower side of the water from North to South. Tuesday, Wednesday and this day laying out the water lots. Saturday, 12. The people yesterday drew for their 50 acre lots. They have left many out of the drawing who are equally entitled to a lot as those who have drawn. They want government, more knowledge and a small portion of generosity. They wish to engross this whole grant into the hands of the few who came in the first fleet, hoping the distresses of their fellow loyalists, who must leave New York, will oblige them to make purchases. Several vessels arrived from New England with lumber, bricks and provisions. Bought mutton for 6d. Wednesday, 16. Rainy weather for these 6 or 7 days past has kept us from doing much; we have, however, drawn the town water lots -- finished yesterday. As usual many are discontented because their lots are low and wet. Thursday, 17. Two vessels arrived this afternoon. Weather not settled, wind southerly to easterly with rain and fog. Friday, 18. Today Mr. Morris took passage to Halifax in the Howe. I am now under cover at the Commissary's. Today finished all the water lot lists -- find they have committed some blunders in making up the names, some are in twice, in one or two instances. Saturday, 19. Set up my marquee on Commissary's Island. Laid out two half blocks H. And I. In St. John's division. Wind southerly, cloudy, muggy, hot. Sunday, 20. Home all day -- wrote a very long letter to Ed. Winslow. The Governor arrived below [at mouth of the harbour.] Monday, 21. Had an interview with the Governor; he is very much surprised and a little angered at Mr. Morris sudden departure. Tuesday, 22. Today the Governor came on shore -- swore in five Justices of the Peace,12 viz., James McEwen, James Robinson, Joseph Pynchon, Joseph Durfee and myself; Henry Edward Knox, notary public; Mr. Murray, coroner. The name of this place, Shelburne. Dined with the Governor on board Captain Mowatt's ship. Day pleasant, weather warm. Wednesday, July 30. The Governor left this place last Saturday (I think it was). Before he sailed there arrived three transports from New York with about ninety families. These with about as many more, who came from all parts, are to be located on house lots. I have nobody to assist me. Lyman is gone to Annapolis. Mason is engaged upon the 50 acre lots, I have the whole of this upon my own hands. Wrote per Lyman to Ed. Winslow. Friday, August 1. Ever since Monday I have been constantly in the woods laying out ground for town lots for about 200 people -- Thursday excepted; weather prevented. Saturday, 2. Today finished laying out the squares for the new comers. On Monday design staking them off and then to draw for them. I find I must keep a good look out against speculators -- people who get house lots in order to make money out of them -- there are one or two whom I suspect, and one whom I suspect has already drawn a lot and sold it. Monday, 4. Intended marking out the lots for the last comers from N. York, but the rain prevented me. Weather rainy and warm. Tuesday, 5. Have marked out 98 house lots today. Had Lyman's assistance before noon, but he was then obliged to quit, being unwell. Returned home at evening well fatigued. Have a hundred applications in a day about bad house lots and bad water lots, were I to enter into them all I should be constantly moving the people from one end of the land to the other. Wednesday, 6. Measured off 69 more house lots for the new comers. Settled some boundaries -- one in particular for the famous John McAlpine, which turned out exactly agreeable to what it had been settled before by Mr. Morris, by McAlpine's own account. I mention this because he had made great complaint that Mr. Morris would not do his duty as a surveyor in rectifying the lines of the streets. Thursday, 7. Today located 183 new comers from New York and other places upon house lots. Friday, 8. Exerted a piece of arbitrary power today in the case of three applicants for lots, all from Halifax. A Captain of the Refugees named Moffat (a simple body) had recommended them for town lots. In confidence that his recommendation was from personal knowledge, they were admitted to a draught, but finding their true characters as mere adventurers, I have erased their names. And for this I put myself upon my country. Saturday, 9. At home all day, it being rainy all the morning and remaining part of day blew exceeding hard at N.W. A Capt. McLean has this evening sent me a green turtle, about seven lbs. I am obliged to him. He is to have a house lot, but this must not blind my eyes. He must run the same chance as his neighbours who have no turtle to send. Sunday, 10. At home all day. Rec'd a packet from the Surveyor general's office; got two blank commissions for our Deputy Surveyors, the form of oath and a new plan of the town and its environs. The reserves in the new plan entirely deranges all that has yet been done towards settling persons in the farming line, who are as yet quite unprovided for. Monday, 11. At town setting people right with regard to their water lots in the South End. Tuesday, 12. Rectifying lines at the South end. Wednesday & Thursday, 13 & 14. Rainy. Home each day. Friday, 15. Rectifying lines & boundaries. Sunday, 17. Yesterday rectifying lines. Today went up the N.W. branch merely to gratify the importunity of a man whom I could not convince of the inutility of our going by any other means. Monday, 18. Ascertaining some boundaries. Ran the lower line for five new blocks in Patterson's division. Blazed the trees. Tuesday, 19. Last night and this morning rain, which prevented me going into the woods. Dined at Justice McEwen's; located five persons in Letter C., Parr's division. Wednesday, 20. Running lines for 5 new blocks on the back of Patterson's; ascertained bounds H. And I. Same Division. Thursday, 21. Ran the lines for five more blocks on the back of those which I ran yesterday. Friday, 22. Laid out several lines of streets. A party at work clearing ground for 8 or 10 new blocks. Saturday, 23. Setting the people to clear the brush and trees from the streets of the new blocks and to make poles for running the lines. Sunday, 24. By chance a day of rest. Monday, 25. Measuring off lots in the newly lay'd out blocks. P.M. rain, which kept me at home after dinner. Tuesday, 26. Some little business before breakfast, such as settling boundaries, etc. From about 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the woods running lines and measuring off house lots. Just after I came home received a billet from Capt. Christian inviting me to see him on board the Cyclops this afternoon or tomorrow at breakfast. Sent a verbal answer I would breakfast with him. I was too tired, too dirty, too hungry, to sit down and write an answer to his billet. He may think me an odd fellow; he is welcome to the opinion. Wednesday, 27. This morning on board the Cyclops to breakfast. Had a conference with Captain Christian respecting the black men, who by the Governor's orders are to be placed up the N.W. Harbour. Finished running the lines and measuring lots for the last arrivals. Had a conference with Colonel Morse the Chief Engineer. Thursday, 28. Today located 158 persons on lots in Patterson's division. P.M., went up the N.W. Am ashore with Colonel Bluck to show him the ground allotted for his people. They are well satisfied with it. Friday, 29. I intended this day to have surveyed the land for Colonel Bluck's town, but was prevented by Colonel More and Major Pitcairn having business with the magistrates which prevented my going. It was a curious business enough. They have an order from head quarters to prevent any timber being cut from off the King's wood (by the by 'tis uncertain yet whereabouts that will be.). They want, under the order, to prevent people cutting from off any of the reserved lands -- when one purpose of the reservation is for a Common, and they have tried hard to coax the magistrates to publish these orders, sed non vult facere. Saturday, 30. At N.W. Arm laying out lands for Colonel Bluck's black gentry. Sunday, 31. Dined with Captain Christian on board the Cyclops. Monday, September 1. At the N.W. Arm again surveying and running lines for Col. Bluck's Company. Tuesday, 2. Wrote the Governor in answer to his last letters. Desired his instructions respecting the placing of a Presbyterian meeting house and a market at the Bason. Wrote Charles Morris, Esq., acquainting him of my proceedings to this day, thanking him for his appointments & desiring some lists of fees and forms of office which he did not send -- recommending Hargrave's case for a grant similar to Shakespear's & Co., asking him in an indirect manner to be provided with a room to finish the plan of my surveys, and acquainting him that I had some probability of an assistant. Wednesday, 3. Today ran the lines for Shakespeare, Courtenay, &c., taking enough for Hargraves; fixed the corner for Watson & Co. Thursday, 4. Set Lyman running lines for five new blocks back of the town. Surveyed Mr. Joshua Watson's grant. Friday, 5. Finished Mr. Watson's plan; Mr. Lyman in the woods running lines for blocks for new comers. Saturday, 6. Located 64 persons on K. And L. St. John's and R. And S. South division. Dined with Mr. Joshua Watson on board his brig. After dinner he received a very curious letter from Lt. Lawson, a deputy engineer, advising him not to lay out any expense upon a very advantageous grant of land which he obtained for himself and associates until he had informed the Governor more particularly concerning it. In plain English Mr. Watson must ask Mr. Lawson if he may accept a grant of land from the only persons in the province who have right to make it. Such are the ideas of military people. Sunday, 7. Sent Lyman and Tully to Birchtown to lay out for the Blacks, myself at the South end fixing boundaries. Monday, 8. Mr. Tully overseeing the laying out of lots for people applying for house lots, myself rectifying lines in Patterson's division and St. John's. Lyman attending to his boat in order for his expedition thro' the country to Annapolis. Tuesday, 9. Located 12 persons on T. South division and X. North division -- dined at Shakespear's. Went on board Mr. Watson's brig and tarried there all night the evening being rainy. Wednesday, 10. Gave Mr. Watson the plan of his grant; rec'd from that gentleman a handsome gratuity, 'twas unasked and unexpected, dined on board his brig. This evening had a visit from an old domestic, Dick Martin -- Dick and I very glad to see each other. Thursday, 11. Located 40 Yaghers on ten lots in D. And E., Parr's division. Partly surveyed Shakespear's, Courtney's, &c. Grant; the bushes hindered me from finishing. In the evening went on board Watson's brig; spent the evening there. Friday, 12. Laid out the grant to the two Shakespears, three Courtneys, Lynch, Lowndes, Cockran and one to spare. Staked off three house lots in H., North division, for three officers of the 82d Regiment, and began the survey of the water at the south end of town. Lyman set out for Annapolis in a boat with two men. This is the third attempt -- poor fellow. I hope he'll get through. Saturday, 13. Located 8 persons on R., North division. Continued the survey round the cove. Wrote the Governor respecting the expected arrival of 400 families from New York in about 3 weeks, requesting his directions about locating them, whether at the back or end of the town. Took no copy -- could not, was too tired and sleepy. Sunday, 14. Received letters from the Governor, Wm. Morris, George Allen, and Arthur Goold, Esq. Monday, 15. Lay'd out Capt. Wm. Hargraves water lot, bounded as pr. Survey book. Wrote Charles Morris, Esq. & Bill [Morris]; now all my letters are answered but George Allen's. Tuesday, 16. Located 6 persons on Q. R & H., South division. Wednesday, 17. Located 6 persons in P. And Q., South division. Thursday, 18. Bought a frame from Mr. Wilson for 14; got it all but a few heavy pieces on my lot. Laid out the square for the Market in the St. John's division. Friday, 19. Wrote Mr. John Neil, who is got upon water lot No. 14, Letter A., South division, that it is the property of John McNeil of Lynch's Company. His lot is Letter A., 97 North division. About 4 o'clock p.m., Capt. Turnbull came to me with a message from Capt. Barclay and others desiring me to meet them at Capt. Barclay's house. I refused to do it, but told him I would wait for them at my own marquee till ten o'clock. He went off very much disconcerted, in appearance at least. The business is about the 50 acre lots. The people have sent out a Mr. Sperling with a pocket compass and cod line. He ran over the western side of the harbour as far as Cape Negro, laying out 50 acre lots. He has taken into his survey Birchtown, which will utterly ruin it, if it was in any degree near the truth -- for that will shift the niggers at least two lots -- should all the rest be right. For it seems he has laid out that many on the Black men's grounds. For this business he has two dollars p. Head, and some have paid the money and determine, at all adventures, to take possession under this not even a shadow of a license. Under the circumstances I cannot get a party to go out to finish the survey on that side of the harbour. I requested it last Saturday, and have repeatedly mentioned it since to no effect. Another piece of villainy (I must call it) on the part of the Captains has turned up within these few days, that is a number of minors have been included in their lists in all the draughts for town, water and 50 acre lots. These I am informed have been bought up at small prices. This day I advertised all purchasers of lots to beware of minors, for many such were abroad. Stuck it up at McEwen's Corner. Wrote W. Morris, giving account of detection of minors drawing lots, of old Sperling's survey and the hobble it had brought the people into -- advising an examination of the draughts* of 50 acre lots; also that I had bought a small frame of a house. Saturday, 20. Located 10 persons upon town lots. Marked out some streets round the Cove in order to lay out water lots. Had a conference with Captains Barclay, Shakespear and Turnbull on the subject of the disposition of 50 acre lots. They have promised to overhaul that business. Mr. Tully returned from Birchtown this morning. Sunday, 21. Recalled the letter I wrote on Friday to Mr. Morris. At home till afternoon, plotting the survey of the cove. Monday, 22. Mr. Tully laying out town lots in North division. Up the Roseway river myself laying out 500 acre lots. Began at the Pine tree where the 50 acre lots began, ran northerly. Tully at work in letter Y. North, and T. South division. Wednesday, 24. Yesterday up the River. Lay'd out two 500 acre lots: slept in the woods, returned in the morning on account of the rain. Today arrived more passengers from N. York. Am yet without a party to finish the survey of 50 acre lots on the western side. Thursday, 25. In the woods with Capt. Sullivan exploring the land northward of the Upper Cove. Friday, 26. An order received this day to lay out a piece of land northward of the Upper Cove for Colonel Campbell puts an end to any locations in that quarter. Sent Mr. Tully to survey round the cove and up to the falls where the 50 acre lots are. Wrote the Governor. Enclosed a plan expressing my idea about placing the Church and Presbyterian meeting House; another showing the situation of the market in St. John's square. Wrote Charles Morris, Esq. Wrote Wm. Morris respecting the twelve 500 acre lots on each side of the River -- also respecting my taking one for myself. Whether it would be thought asking too much. Saturday, 27. Have been running lines for Sullivan's, Hamilton's, &c. Companies, late comers; a very murmuring crew. Sunday, 28. Mr. Tully in the woods running lines for Sullivan's, Hamilton's, &c. These people are the very worst we've had yet. They murmur and grumble because they can't get located as advantageously as those who have been working hard these 4 months. They seem to be the riff-raff of the whole. Monday, 29. This Evening a meeting of the members of the Episcopal Church to choose Wardens and Vestry. Tuesday, 30. In town about water lots. Sullivan's, Hamilton's and the last comers have at length taken the advice I first gave them to hut as soon as they could against winter. Wednesday, October 1. Laying off water lots about the cove south of Watson's grant. Thursday, 2. At Gunning Cove. Laid out house lots 60 by 120 for 7 Pilots;18 run foul of Sparling's survey. Mr. Tully with me. Friday, 3. Laying out the water lots the north side of the cove. Tully and Ducket with me. Saturday, 4. Ditto. Sunday, 5. Dined on board the Cyclops in the Gun room -- Noise and Nonsense. Monday, 6. Dined on board ditto, in the Great Cabin -- decency and agreeableness. Have been with my friend Wm. Morris these two days, so have done no business. Wednesday, 8. Last evening Wm. Morris sailed for Port Mutton. Today laying out water lots. Mr. Tully running lines for Sullivan's, Hamilton's, &c., at the North End. Thursday, 9. Wrote to Sister Lucia, acquainting her of my good situation -- desired some things from her country. Friday, 10. Laying out water lots. Tully laying out town lots for the Sullivan's Companies. Weather very fine. Arrived one ship from N. York. Saturday, 11. The ship which arrived yesterday has about 50 families who are to settle here. Sunday, 12. Dined at Hale & Son. More settlers arrived. Monday, 13. Met the Captains of the five Companies who arrived lately. They have agreed to put their people below the Town for the present. Tuesday, 14. This morning on board Captain Christie's ship. Went on shore with some of the new comers to shew them the ground where they are advised to hut themselves. They don't seem upon the whole to favour the idea of hutting. Another ship arrived today with passengers. Wednesday, 15. Carried Captains Wright and Ackerman of the new comers to the ground I must lay out for them. They are much displeased at the situation. Lay'd out some water lots. Captain Christian and Major Pitcairn to dine with us. Thursday, 16. Located Sullivan's and Hamilton's complement, 112 persons in Parr's division on 6 whole lots and 2 half lots. Showery this afternoon; did nothing after dinner. Friday, 17. Home all day, blew hard. Wrote the Governor, as per Copy. Saturday, 19. In town; planned some water lots, laid out below. Weather cloudy, moderate, p.m., rain. Sunday, 19. A proper N.E. storm with plenty of rain. Home all day, not very comfortable. Monday, 20. Sent Mr. Tully to Pilot's Town to lay off house lots for five persons. At home all day myself. Too windy to see about water lots, which I wish chiefly to finish. Tuesday, 21. Went up the river with Lowndes, Shakespear, Cassel and Pendergrass. Lay'd out two more 500 acre lots which make six on the western side of the river. That company are to have four more on the eastern side of the river to begin above Messrs. Robinson's grant. The Courtneys take the three next to Shakespear's, &c., on the western side. Lodged in the woods all night. Thursday, 23. Planning the survey of the six 500 acre lots to Shakespear, &c. A very severe gale at St. E. Stayed in town all night. Several arrived from N. York. Friday, 24. Mr. Tully running lines in Parr division for disbanded soldiers, four blocks. Gave Rev. Mr. Walter a letter to forward to Halifax to the Governor. Saturday, 25. Made up tickets for 66 persons to draw for house lots. Sunday, 26. Wrote letters till dinner time. Dined in town. Home at dark to lonesome solitary tabernacle. Wrote the Governor, Charles Morris, Esq., Wm. And Geo. Allen. Sent in my six month's account. Monday, 27. Located 70 persons in Parr's division. Got a boat and men to go tomorrow with Mr. Mason to survey the N.W. Arm. Tuesday, 28. Wrote the Governor respecting McKinney and Cameron, who have set down upon ungranted lands. Wednesday, 29. Busy all the morning with people inquiring for Lots, Land, &c. Mr. Tully running lines for four blocks for the 23rd and 42d regiments and some stragglers from other Corps. Mr. Mason at the N.W. Arm surveying the Tongue of land between both branches. Thursday, 30. Mr. Tully out this morning with the parties clearing ground for the 23d, 42d and a few others, but the rain put them off from the business very soon; a wet afternoon and evening. Mr. Lyman arrived from Halifax. Friday, 31. Rain all day till near sun set. However, Mr. Tully has been in the woods some part of the time. Myself at home all day preparing tickets to draw for 43 town lots tomorrow -- of the 42d nine, of the 76th five, of the 23d twenty-nine, in all forty-three. Saturday, November 1. Located the 43 soldiers mentioned yesterday. Sunday, 2. A day of rest; dined in town; snow squally day. The southern people are much frightened at the weather; poor people they are to be pitied. Monday, 3. Mr. Lyman running lines to the south for Refugees. Mr. Tully to the northward for soldiers. Mr. Mason gone over the harbor. Fair and cool. Tuesday, 4. Lyman and Tully still running lines for house lots. Mr. Mason over the water surveying the Tongue. Dined on board Capt. Christian's ship. Fair and pleasant. Wednesday, 5. Lyman and Tully in the woods running lines. Weather fair. Thursday, 6. Lyman and Tully as yesterday. Went this day to examine the place where the Governor orders his 500 acres to be laid out. Friday, 7. Lyman and Tully as yesterday. Went with Mr. Mason to show him where to begin to lay out the Governor's 500 acre lot. Today looking after the building my house and doing some business of my own in town. Saturday, 8. Rainy wet day, no business abroad. Sunday, 9. Day of rest. Wednesday, 12. In town Monday, Tuesday and today preparing to draw lots for upwards of 700 persons. Can tarry no longer at Brinley's; his house is so thronged with carpenters, work benches, &c., that I have no lodging room, and he has so much business of his own that 'tis impossible to find room to do any of ours, so have thrust myself in at Low & Hale's on a very slender invitation. Thursday, 13. Lyman and Tully in the woods marking out blocks for house lots for the new comers; myself preparing a list of names to draw. Friday, 14. People begin to be slack at working, no Loyalists out today. I left Brinley's Mess on Sat. 7th and came to Mr. Low's on Monday. Saturday, 15. Set up the eastern and western boundaries of Colonel Campbell's grant. Waiting for Lyman and Tully to have ground enough laid out for drawing for house lots. Wednesday, 19. Today finish rolling up tickets for the Loyalists, who are to draw their lots in the southern part of the town. Yesterday Lyman and today Tully finished staking off the house lots. It has been with great difficulty that the people have been got to work this week past to help in the surveying. Today Colonel Buskirk. and family got into my house; they live down cellar. Thursday, 20. Located people on 416 house lots, which we have been at work upon about three weeks. Friday, 21. Making up tickets today for 383 disbanded soldiers, who are to draw tomorrow. Saturday, 22. The 383 soldiers mentioned yesterday drew their lots today. Wrote to Brother Watson and Lucia. Sent for sundry notions. Monday, 24. Lyman running lines for about 600 more persons. At home all day hearing complaints about bad lots, detecting abuses in the last lottery, of which I have found several, as a negro, a mulatto, a boy. Wednesday, 26. These two days Lyman and Tully in the woods laying out town lots; myself at home planning the Governor's farm at Bow Wood, which by reason of a hundred interruptions about bad lots, no lots, and 500 acre lots has taken me these two days. Thursday, 27. Tully and Lyman in the woods, wrote to the Governor; received a letter from Charles Morris. Wrote an answer. Friday, 28. Stormy wet day, no business abroad. Saturday, 29. Lyman and Tully in the woods running lines all day. Sunday, 30. At the Falls measuring the width of the River -- fair. Monday, December 1. At home writing to Charles Morris, Esq., enclosing our accounts, and planning my survey of 50 acre lots. Stormy -- very wet. Tuesday, 2. At home making out the plan of the 50 acre lots, which I surveyed myself, and writing letters to Halifax -- fair, pleasant and moderate. Wednesday, 3. Looking about my house, getting lime and bricks together, it goes on slow -- fair moderate. Thursday, 4. My good brother John Watson arrived today -- an unexpected most grateful visitor. Masons began today on my chimney. Friday & Saturday, 5 & 6. Employed most of my time regulating lots. Settling a mode for the Farmers to get into the country -- which after all my contrivance I find a very difficult matter. They want all to go first to be nearest the town and to have the best land -- 'tis all very natural. However, they have at last broke out and today, Monday the 8, Captain Wright and a party of about 14 under direction of Mr. Lyman have set out to begin a road thro' the country to Annapolis. I have directed him to steer the most direct course, only avoiding such grounds as are naturally impassable and would take much labour to make them otherwise. My house goes on slowly, the two hods. of lime I've returned being bad. Not stony enough in my cellar to lay the foundation of my chimney. However, Colonel Buskirk has collected some stones, and I find we shall get through by and by. Monday, 22. This week past have been engaged regulating the parties going out into the country for lands. As much time as I could spend in planning and writing to Halifax. Weather fine. Enclosed a plan of Shelburne and its environs from Roseway to Jordan Falls to Charles Morris, Esq., Survey General. HAIL TO THE NEW YEAR, 1784. Saturday, January 3. Fine mild weather -- two cold days excepted about Christmas. Made up a packet for the Surveyor General containing a plan of all the Water lots and a list of the original locatees. Wrote the Governor. Friday, 16. Enclosed to Mr. Morris a plan from 500 acre lot No. 6, west side Roseway, to Durfy's grant. Monday, 19. Sent out Mr. John Van Norden to lay out 6 farms, beginning on the line of the Commons. This evening a Ball was held at McGragh's tavern in honour of the Queen's birthday. About 50 gentlemen and ladies, among whom was the Hon. Cap'n Stanhope. and Lady, danced, drank tea, played at cards, in a house which stood where six months ago there was an almost impenetrable swamp -- so great has been the exertions of the settlers in this new world. The room was commodious and warm, tho' in the rough. The whole was conducted with good humor and general satisfaction. Thursday, 22. Yesterday dined on board the Mercury. Tarried on board all night on account of the ice being about the shore so as to make it dangerous landing in the dark. Captain Stanhope a very well bred man, master of the whole etiquette of polite ceremony. His main scope is to appear of importance on every occasion, which unavoidably leads him to make himself a little hero of each tale. Upon the whole he is not a disagreeable man in company, and may, by a little tickling of his vanity, be induced to serve this settlement very essentially. Saturday, 24. Gave Capt. Lowndes' Company course and distance to Barrington. Wednesday, February 4. The state of buildings in this town is as follows; viz., 231 framed houses, 816 log houses, 80 on the Commons -- temporary for the winter only, 30 or thereabouts on the 50 acre lots round the harbour; total 1,157. All this since 9th May last. Captain Lowndes' Company, sick of their voyage have returned. Thursday, 5. Wrote to Charles Morris, Esq., for information respecting Argyle and Barrington boundaries, and whether people from here might be located on vacant lands within their lines. February 16. Memo of measurements on the ice. Foot of King Street across to the opposite shore, course S.W. 79 ; distance from high water marks, 1,760 feet. Measured from the Landing right below the Barrack to the South point of the same Island and to the line of the easternmost side 1,380 feet. Ben. Marston. From 50 acre lot No. 34, west side, to old Courtney's stone house, N.E.69, 3,000 feet. Tully. February 23. Wrote Charles Morris, Esq., requesting information respecting my powers under the Commission appointing me Registrar of the Court of Probate, also requesting the quantity of land for the False Passage settlers. Wrote George Allen for paper, &c. March 31. Memo of plans returned to the Surveyor General's office in the packet, Capt. Casey. 1. A plan for 500 acre lot No. 6 to the N. Line of the town; the six 500 acre lots. Fifteen 50 acre lots. Six irregular lots of different contents, marked, A, B, C, D, E, F, assigned as follows: -- A to the Mill Company of Miller and others, B to Captain Pell, C to Colonel Campbell,31 D to Captain Bell, E to B. Marston, F to J. Pynchon. 2. BowWood; the Governor's farm below the town. 3. Plan of the 50 acre lots from Birchtown to Durfy's. Durfy's & Sons location of 550 acres No. 72. Colonel Buskirk's 500 acres No. 73. Mr. Lawson's 100 acres No. 74. 4. A plan containing the thirty four fifty acre lots from the Herring Falls downwards on the west shore, and nine 500 acre lots running from said Falls up the river -- also 3 farms, marked A, B, C, lying on the North West river (or Birchtown river), A on the east side to Charles Mason, B on the west to Isaac Grey, C on the West side and north of B to Henry Elvins -- a line from the Lower Falls of Birth. Town river running N.W. 16 (Mason says 18 , but the projection makes it but 16), then 153 chains 70 links comes to the S.E. corner of Gray's grant. 5. A plan of 25 farm lots on the west side of Roseway river, beginning at the north line of the 500 acre lot No. 9 and running northerly. 6. Plan of the 3 small islands below the town, south of the navy islands. For three months past my time has been taken up returning plans, regulating the companies who are taking up land in the country, entering locations and attending to daily complaints and applications of one kind and another. April 1. Today have been in the woods examining the north line of the 50 acre lots above town. These lots will be pinched a little in breadth, for which reason they must be extended in length. Monday, 5. State of Law in Shelburne, or rather the very beginning of it. Justices of the Common Pleas: -- Abraham Van Buskirk is a gentleman and man of good understanding, has been in service all the war and is yet more the soldier than the Lawyer. J. Pynchon does not want understanding, but is very timorous and, as timorous creatures generally are, cunning; he shows the New England man very plainly in his manner. Now for the Sessions of the Peace: -- The two above mentioned, to which add Mr. Justice McEwen, an old main top bow line; a Mr. Justice Thomson, an old white oak chip; a Mr. Justice Brewer, bred a merchant, has good natural parts which have been improved by education, calculated to make a conspicuous figure in his own line and he has ambition and capacity to make a useful and judicious magistrate, but at present rather coxcombical. Pleaders. A dismounted dragoon officer of Tarleton's,32 his acquirements in law knowledge not much below the surface, his name J.S_____r. A Mr. D_____n and a Mr. G_____rd___l, I put them both together for their acquirements are about equal -- the latter the most sensible, indeed the first is a fool -- can't spell common English, passes at present for a half-pay officer, the truth of which remains to be proved. These are the deputies by whom at present we must implead one another. Add to these Commodore Stanhope, who far exceeds them all. Tuesday, 13. Sent plan of wharf lots, with the locations from King Street to George Street and of north Navy Island. Sunday, 18. Enclosed for the Surveyor Gen'l's office, plan of all water lots round the cove and quite to lower end of town. Tuesday, 27. Last Friday I went down to the Palse Passage; surveyed the front line of the old settlers and set up McNutt's boundary. Came home yesterday. Today rectifying mistakes at the north end, as the foundation for laying out new lots back of town. Wednesday, 28. Same business. Thursday, 29. Attending probate business. Friday, 30. Foul weather; at home protracting surveys, preparing certificates for the grants and answering impertinent questions till about 10 p.m. Saturday, May 1. In the woods till 4 p.m. running the base lines for lots to be laid out. Sunday, 2. Made plan of the locations on east side Jordan river from McLean's up to Richard Whites'; ditto of three locations on Sullivan's Point, viz., Abraham Stevens, Oliver Campbell and Dr. Sullivan. Wrote Mr. Morris of many things, but took no copy, had not time. Desired Capt. Minshull and Capt. Nutter to furnish 4 men each to run lines for streets for locations yet wanted. Minshull sent none, Capt. Nutter 4, but they would not work without pay. Tuesday, 4. Desired all the captains, who had not the locating of their companies complete, to meet me at Steel's to fix a method for having a working party of 8 men only each day to lay out town lots for their companies. I notified 15, met only 6. They agreed to furnish the men, and said they would fix the terms among themselves. Friday, 7. Have not seen a man at work yet of those promised by the captains. Wrote Mr. Morris; sent him a plan of the Leg and Foot with certificates of 8 locations on it. Saturday, 15. Wrote Charles Morris, Esq.: sent my quarterly account to 31st March. Wrote to Mr. Morris about Justice McEwen having location on the 3,000 acre Island. Tuesday, 18. Had prepared to assist Capt. Pell in drawing for the Farm lots for 234 persons, but the party who stopped the first 15, some time ago have prevailed against the drawing, notwithstanding the Governor's last order in favour of those 15. This cursed levelling spirit must be crushed by every means or we shall be for rebellion soon. Friday, 21. Sent to Halifax a plan of the front of the Publick Square below Water St., also about 3 sheets of remarks on various papers referred to me from the Governor and Surveyor General. Wednesday, 26. Yesterday laid out 100 acres for Potts and Craig between BowWood and the 50 acre lots. Today waiting on Governor Wentworth. Thursday, 27. Probate Court this morning with Gov'r. Wentworth. P.M. dined with him at G. Th_____s. Friday, 28. Over the River with Governor Wentworth up to the upper saw mill, returned about 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 2. With Lieut. Lawson running lines of the reserved ground on the West side of the river. Thursday, 3. Sent three plans to the Surveyor Gen'l's office: (1) the locations on the east side Jordan's river from R. White's down, with back lines run out; (2) a sketch of what might be done with the square before the middle block; (3) Craig & Potts location below Bow Wood; also certificates to the agents completing South and St. John's divisions. Gave Capt. Grey instructions to lay out lots for sundry persons on the east side Jordan -- enclosed account of my house with vouchers to the Surveyor General. Tuesday, July 13. Returned from Point Carleton, at which place and Cape Negro I have been ever since the 4th of June. Sent to the Surveyor General's office my plan of survey at Cape Negro with certificates to the agents. Thursday, 15. Sent to the office O. Lyman's plan of survey of fifteen 200 acre farms on Pell's Road. Saturday, 17. Finished two plans of internal locations on the Peninsula between Roseway and Jordan rivers -- sent with certificates per Wm. Adams to Halifax. Monday, 19. Forwarded plan of six locations on east side Jordan river, per Capt. Gray's survey, viz., M. Langin, D. McCrumen, Wm. Shipman, Wm. Robins, Jno. Cunningham and Capt. Hewat, with certificates on the plan. Delivered to Messrs. Robins and Cunningham to forward it on the 20th. Thursday, 22. Forwarded to the Surveyor General a return of locations on the West side Roseway -- the 6 last of Cameron's and 36 of Barclay's. Forwarded Mr. Tully's plan of locations at Green's Harbour with certificates 22 in all pr. Lyman. Monday, 26. Great Riot today. The disbanded soldiers have risen against the Free negroes to drive them out of Town, because they labour cheaper than they -- the soldiers. Tuesday, 27. Riot continues. The soldiers force the free negroes to quit the Town -- pulled down about 20 of their houses. This morning I went over to the Barracks by advice of my friends, who find I am threatened by the Rioters, and in the afternoon took passage for Halifax. By further advice from Town, find I have been sought after. Arrived in Halifax Thursday, 29th. Wednesday, August 4. Arrived from Shelburne my friend Joshua Watson and N. Ogde with further accounts of continuation of the Riot. I find I have been hunted for quite down to Point Carleton, and had I been found should have had a bad time among a set of villainous scoundrels -- by some subsequent advice, I find I should have been fairly hung. Wednesday, 18. A ship from England, by which we learn this Province is to be divided, and a new government erected on the western side of the Bay of Fundy by the name of New Brunswick. If I can get some employment in the new Province, I shall choose my residence there, as most of the New England Refugees will be there and among them my nearest and dearest friends. Shelburne is composed of such a mixed multitude, so very few people of education among them, that it will take me all the rest of my life to get myself well accommodated to their ways of acting and thinking; and unless one can give in to the general mode of thinking and acting of those he lives with he can have but little enjoyment. Tuesday, 31. The Governor returned from Shelburne, where he has been to settle the disturbances which have arisen. To answer some purpose with his Dear Shelburnites he has been pleased to throw a great deal of blame on my conduct. But I have the satisfaction to know that the best people of that Settlement are my friends, and what a Rabble think of me is never my concern -- tho' a Governor may be among them. Friday, September 3. Gave a skipper Simmons of Lownd's Schooner, letters to Gid. White, of Shelburne, and forwarded some others which had been put in my hands. Tuesday, 7. Presented a memorial to Governor Parr this day and date, requesting a public inquiry to be made into my conduct while Chief Surveyor at Shelburne. He says only in general that every body accuses me of the most corrupt partial conduct while in my office of Chief Surveyor. He has ordered me to wait upon him tomorrow at 12 o'clock. He will then tell me if I shall be heard or not. I find he has sent my character home under all these infamous accusations -- this he says himself. Saturday, 11. Having waited on the Governor at the time appointed to receive his answer to my memorial of the 7th, missed seeing him, he being gone out -- waited upon him this morning; met the Secretary of the Province at the door; he told me his Excellency had referred my memorial to the Board for locating of lands at Shelburne. I asked him if I must look upon that as the Governor's answer? He told me yes. I told him I looked upon that as a denial of the petition; for referring the matter to people who perhaps were some of them raisers of the slanders against me, is altogether an ex parte business, which I shall not submit to. I have prayed to have my accusers face to face. |